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  • BOOK OF THE DAY: OIL, Money Politics and Power in the 21st Century

    BOOK OF THE DAY: OIL, Money Politics and Power in the 21st Century

    OIL, Money, Politics and Power in the 21st Century



    More than twenty years ago oil cost about $7 a barrel. In 2008 the price soared to $148 and then fell to below $ 40. In the midst of this extraordinary volatility, the major oil conglomerates still spent over a trillion dollars in an increasingly frantic search for more.

    The story of oil is a story of high stakes and extreme risk. It is the story of the crushing rivalries between men and women exploring for oil five miles beneath the sea, battling for control of the world’s biggest corporations, and gambling billions of dollars twenty- four hours everyday on oil’s prices.

    A groundbreaking, in-depth, and authoritative twenty.  Years history of the hunt and speculation for our most vital Natural resources.

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